Laws Of Learning


Laws of Learning

Learn anything 10 x faster!

|by Divyanshi |                   


What is learning?


1.    the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught


2.    a thing learned by experience; a lesson.


3.     knowledge acquired through study, experience, or being taught.



 That’s why it is quoted ‘that learning takes place from womb to tomb’. There is a change in the behavior of an individual after learning he/ she changes themselves according to the situation.


Definition of learning

Learning can be defined in different ways according to different peoples’ perspective. take a look how learning is defined differently by some eminent psychologists:



‘Learning consists in doing something new provide, something new to be retained the individual and reappears in his later practices’.  

                                                         R S Woodworth and D G Marquis


‘We may define the term very broadly in saying that learning is the change in behaviour resulting from behaviour’.


‘From this point of view, it would be legitimate to regard learning as a modification both the behaviour and the way of perceiving’.

                                                                                          G murphy      “A persisting change in human performance or performance potential…[which] must come about as a result of the learner’s experience and interaction with the world.”
From Psychology of Learning for Instruction by M Driscoll


 Laws of Learning


According to the research of psychologist Thorndike there are two types of laws in the learning process which are stated below:

·      Primary laws of learning

·      Secondary laws of learning



Primary Laws of learning


1.   Law of readiness

2.   Law of effect

3.   Law of exercise


Primary laws are mentioned below.



1)  Law of Readiness: The law is also known as law of preparedness. According to the law the learner learns when he is ready to learn. This law states when any conduction unit   ready to conduct, for it is satisfying, when any conduction unit is not ready to conduct for it, it’s   annoying”.  Therefore, one must be ready to learn. According to Thorndike ‘Maturity and interest are essential for readiness’.!



2)  Law of effect: When the learning process or work done in a activity is enjoyable or pleasing, the individual tries to learn that activity quickly and masters it too, on the contrary if the result after the effort is painful or sad, then the individuals do not take any interest in that activity and finally leaves the activity midway”. In fact, law of learning is directly related to success and failure.


3)  Law of exercise: “When a modifiable connection is made b frequently between a situation and a response, the strength of that connection is response over a length of time, the strength of that connection is decreased”.


Secondary laws of learning



    I.          Law of contiguity: Its other name is law of association. “One condition may match with another condition.’’ When we think of some thing other facts or objects related to it automatically comes in mind. For example, we think about toxic and torturing parents then beating, assaulting, lack of freedom, abusing comes in our mind automatically.


 II.          Law of Attitude: According to this law, learning depends on our propensity or attitude. thus, we must start anything with a happy and good attitude.


III.          Law of similarity: We react to conditions on the basis of the experiences in which we have reacted earlier.


IV.          Law of primacy: if the teaching method is effective, we are likely to learn activity quickly.



 V.          Law of Recency: the last or recent taught / learned thing remains fresh in our mind in comparison to other activities .


VI.          The Contrasting law: if we learn the former activity properly then, we can also learn the other activity which is completed in opposite to the former one.


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