
Showing posts from August, 2020

Why everyone is not successful in life? Lets found out !

                Reasons : Why you are not successful E very   glorious  goal  comes  with  a  dream  ,where  that  dream  comes  with  a  imagination  and it is set in foundation  with a  well  start , strong will, endeavor ,  ( hard + smart work), a  great  plan  and  the  consistency  of   'karma'  which  is  finally  gold  touched  with great  patience  and    faith.     Always Remember The Following Lines ' 'Don't  chase the success  ....... Let the success chase you   '' ''Don't   copy anyone ....... Let everybody copy you '' Don't   complain .......... just explain '' ' Don't   fear  .........just  remember the almighty ,dear!'' AND posses  the dare to get the rare; and make every body stare      Here are some of the strong reasons that affect your success and hinder the  destiny . These things ar e avoided by successful people  at any cost for t he shake of archiving their goals.These are viz.- PROCRAST